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These grain-free dog snacks are made from 100% fresh salmon, grain-free, hypoallergenic and contain the essential unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6. There are also no added fragrances, colors or flavors. Your dog will love it and it is also responsible! Henne Kronch Salmon Snacks are ideal..
€ 4.95 - € 11.40
Ex Tax:€ 4.09 - € 9.42
Lakse Kronch Pocket salmon cookies contain fresh salmon and potato. This makes it less fatty than the Lakse Kronch 100% variant and you can keep the cookie in your jacket pocket without it getting stained. The Lakse Kronch Pocket are still very tasty and easy to break and suitable for allergic dogs...
€ 5.70 - € 11.40
Ex Tax:€ 4.71 - € 9.42
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